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Is Your Dog Overdue for a Haircut?

Plan a professional pet grooming service in Loveland, CO

Whether you have a long-haired golden retriever or a curly-headed doodle, you want to keep their hair neat. Although an at-home haircut is an option, it isn't always the best. Dogs move a lot, and if you're not used to grooming pets, you could injure them or yourself in the process. Prevent injuries and botched results when you hire Groomtopia for professional pet grooming services. We'll give your pup a professional haircut, long cut or breed-standard cut using scissors. You can also add a fur dematting service. All grooming services come with a standard bath.

Call now to schedule your professional pet grooming service in Loveland, CO.

No two dogs are alike. That's why we begin each service with a consultation to understand your pup's temperament and needs. During your consultation, you'll receive service recommendations based on your dog's skin type, specific breed and hair. If you'd like to add-on services, like a fur dematting service, we can do that for you. Although the grooming schedule is up to you, we recommend bringing them in every six to eight weeks.

Schedule your consultation for grooming services in Loveland, CO now.

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